Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Life Works #12 The Way Out!

Okay friends, I don't know that it gets any clearer than this. This is fresh manna, hot off the press, a message of spiritual wisdom I believe "The Source" has just poured into my heart. Many of you are struggling, battling, wondering how you will ever get out of your current condition or circumstance.

Remember what I told you in earlier blogs. The words that He speaks to us are Spirit and they are Life and I believe the word that He is speaking to us right now is 'Listen to Your Righteousness!'

You heard me right. Those of us who know "The Source" through faith in His Son know that righteousness has been credited to our account not because of what we do or have done, but because we believe in Him and His promises. Because we believe, His righteousness dwells within us.

That is good news. What is even greater news is His righteousness dwells in us for a reason. It dwells in us to bless us, to lead us, to guide us, to direct us into the good things He has for our lives. We need to clear the clutter in our lives, all the other voices, all the other downloads, all the false and deceptive information and "Listen to Our Righteousness."

It will lead us out of whatever situation we are in that is hindering God's goodness in our lives. Trust your righteousness, trust the voice speaking from deep within your heart, listen listening and you will be standing in victory before you know it.

Would you please take the time to listen? Let me know that you have done so! Help me help you be accountable for shutting out all the wrong voices to listen to the right one. It would be my honor and privilege to do so. Hope to hear from you soon. You are on your way out now, don't look back.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Life Works #11

Here are some more words that are keys to how Life Works. "Have faith in God!" These words were uttered by Jesus Christ with complete trust and utter conviction to any and all who would listen. They are words that flow from the Son of "The Source." 

So do you have it? Have you put it to work? Have you placed faith personally in the God and Father of Jesus Christ? If not, this could be the missing link in your life. Why? Because Jesus understood that faith activates the power of His Father in our lives. 

There is another quote from the writings associated with "The Source" that says, "Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who would come to God must believe that He exists and that He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." 

Based on this information I would say faith is something that is most essential if we desire to have a relationship to "The Source." Seeings how we can't please Him without it, and that He rewards those who put it into action, we better take the "Have faith in God" thing serious. After all, there are rewards at stake. 

God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. There it is again. The principle that God works in the lives of those who believe. God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Obviously you won't seek God if you don't believe in Him, but if you do believe, and you do seek Him because of that belief, you can be assured that He will reward you. 

What those rewards are has yet to be determined, but based on my own experience they cross into every area of our existence that makes "Life Work." In other words, through faith in God, His rewards flood into every area of our lives. 

God rewards us spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, there is really no limit to where His rewards will flow if we will learn to place our faith in Him. But the choice is yours. Don't believe, don't encounter these amazing rewards. Do believe, and you open up your life to the realm of what we would call on this earth, Miracles. 

Anyone in need of a miracle? They begin with faith in "The Source." Have faith in God!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lifeworks #10

"A soft answer turns away wrath!" Wow! There you have a very practical concept from "the Source" that is a great starting point for any relationship going through struggles. It has to do with your response to the verbal attack of another. It's the same principle as "Turn the other cheek."

The person who doesn't enter into the verbal or physical attack is actually resisting the spirit behind the attack. I understand that this is easier said than done, I also understand that our physical body and mind is weak when placed in these types of circumstances. Which is why our relationship to "the Source" is so critical.

Some other words from "the Source" instruct us to come boldly before the throne of grace to find mercy and grace to help us in our time of need. In these words, "the Source" is trying to teach us that help is available and on the way if we will just recognize our need and make the call.

He is no respecter of persons. He loves all of us the same and extends His amazing grace to all who recognize their poverty of spirit. This grace covers every area of life, relationships included. Our part is quite simple. Just believe. Like R. Kelly used to sing, "I believe I can fly." or Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey sang, "There can be miracles, when you believe."

These are certainly true phrases. "the Source" responds to faith in all individuals, He has designed us for encounters with His grace and power which we access by faith. So imagine, all this grace and power is available for you to tap into so you can learn to extend "a soft answer that turns away wrath" and begin the healing process in your relationships. Believe and then ask! You will not be disappointed. Someone loves you beyond your ability to comprehend. Keep reading!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Life Works #9

Now where did we leave off? Relationships. What "the Source" has to teach about relationships to those who are willing to listen. Now, we have already discovered from the source that the root of all relationship struggles are born from the desires that rage within us.

Not that all desires are bad, but obviously some desires can be bad, or at least can cause great trouble and stress in relationships. So based on what "the Source" is telling us we need to give some serious attention to recognizing, confronting, and reconfiguring the desires that are working within us. If we don't do so, we can be assured of a life of relational conflict.

I will say this with absolute positivity having been in relationship with the same amazing woman for over 30 years. The majority of the battles or conflicts we have had during this time have been rooted in her desiring one thing and me desiring another. So it became her desire and her will over and against my desire and my will.

That's a great thing if you both desire and will the same thing. In fact, I believe that's where "the Source" would like to teach you to live if your willing. However, if you are both desiring and willing something different get ready for a lifetime of relational misery or what some might dare to say as "Hell on Earth."

I know that many people in relationships feel as though this is where they are living. It's also often those same people who are unwilling to listen to what "the Source" has to say about them and their relationships. They want help, they just want it on their terms. Which is precisely the problem. Their terms, their desires, their wishes, their wants, their needs.

There is a place for all the things they want and desire, in fact when you learn to do it the way "the Source" desires, your desires are met and fulfilled more than you ever imagined. At least that's how it has worked in my experience. The reason it works is like I said before, "the Source" knows better than I do what will work.

In one of His early writings, "the Source" warned a young man about the desires that were battling within him, that they were unchecked, ready to pounce, and take control of his life, but that he must control the desire, that he must become the desires master rather than the desire becoming his.

Now we are getting somewhere. Because all of us who are honest with ourselves know that we have some desires that are not good or beneficial to us outside of maybe a very short lived pleasure. Those desires seem to have a mind of their own and want to own us.

I won't go into where those desires are coming from according to "the Source," but I will instead stay focused on the fact that those desires want mastery over our lives and "the Source" says we must master them instead. Master those desires and you are on your way to mastering every relationship you have.

Here's the good news! Not only does "the Source" want you to master those desires that can hurt or harm you or others. He wants to help you do so. All he needs for you to do is recognize when those desires are wrong, find and agree with the right desires, and then ask for some help in living out the right desire. He then will assist you in mastering the wrong and living the right.

Someone might be thinking, how come you never say who "the Source" is? I know 'the Source" and I know "the Source's" name. But right now that really doesn't matter and some of you have already figured it out. What matters is that you know "the Source" is trying to help you and that you are loved very much. Your relationships are about to change for the good. Keep reading!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Life Works #8

Relationships, relationships, relationships. Sometimes it seems as though you can't live with them and most of us certainly don't want to live without them. Most of hunger for meaningful and fulfilling relationships. However, in fulfilling our desires for meaningful relationships we find out the whole relationship thing can get quite complicated.

In real life we find that relationships between husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, friends and acquaintances, employees and employers all seem to have struggles and challenges that seem overwhelming and sometimes impossible. So even though all of us want fulfilling and meaningful relationships, as the old saying goes, "its easier said than done."

So where do we go? "The Source!" We go to the one who has the words of life that make "Life Work" in the area of relationships. Yes my friend, "the Source" not only created relationships but also understands how relationships work the best. Not some relationships, but all relationships. So, if you find yourself at the reading of this blog in struggling relationships maybe its time to see what "the Source" has to say about it and not just listen, but put into practice what "the Source" has to say.

Let me give you one quick example of what "the Source" has to say about relationships and then I will elaborate more in my next blog. Here is a quote,

"What causes fights and quarrels among you, don't they come from your desires that battle within you?"

So here we have "the Source" revealing to anyone who will listen the root cause of all fighting and quarreling. Fighting and quarreling is birthed out of the desires battling within us. A further observation of these desires will cause all of us to see that not only are these desires there, they also cause us to want our own way.

So if fights and quarrels are born from the desires that battle within us then the solution is to either control or eliminate those desires. The problem with many of our relationships then is not only external, or the other guy, but the problem is often born in us.

Takes some time before our next blog and think about the desires that battle within you that have caused you to be more than hard to get along with in one of more of your relationships. What do you observe in you? Will talk about the other person later.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Life Works #7

We have been talking about words that make "Life Work" that stream to us from "The Source" of life. My general thinking has been that "The Source"of life probably knows better about how his creation should function and thrive in life better than those whom "the Source" has created.

I have also spoken of how "the Source" communicates the ultimate truth that makes "Life Work" through words. Sometimes those words come as warnings! For instance, if we ignore or reject the words that make "Life Work" we do so to our own harm. Not because "the Source" wants to see harm come to our lives; He is much to good for that; but because "The Source" wants whats best for us and when we ignore His words He knows the results will not be as we think.

The words He speaks are ultimate truth, they are pure Spirit, and the possess Divine Life. Here are some of those words,

"They rejected my words of advice and paid no attention when I corrected them. Therefore, they must eat the bitter fruit of living their own way, choking on their own schemes. But all who listen to me will live in peace, untroubled by fear of harm."

Voices are speaking to us all the time, but one voice, "the Source" is always speaking to us for our good. He understands that left to ourselves without His influence we often choose our way, but the wrong way, because we have a propensity toward that which can hurt us.

Think about it, when you make a wrong decision and violate your conscience, "The Source" is speaking to your heart through words to lead you away from wrong decisions and bring healing to your wounded conscience. Again, he is trying to lead you away from a condemned heart and the fruit of choosing your own way.

He desires that you live in peace, untroubled by fear of harm. Do you hear him? Are you listening? Do you understand that you are loved beyond your ability to comprehend? Do you understand that you are not alone in this world and there is someone that understands and knows better than you and that someone wants to help?

Lately I have been confronted by many problems people are going through in the area of relationships. Very negative things in many ways. That's the bad news. The good news is that "the Source" has much to say in the area of relationships.

He has the answers that make "Life Work" in the area of relationships just like he has the answers in matters of conscience.

So we are going to begin a journey into relationship advice from "the Source" in my next blog. I hope you come along. In the end I believe your relationships will be stronger, more healthy, and more influential than ever before. Be back soon! Be blessed!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Life Works #6

Words that make "Life Work" in the area of conscience! Are you ready to know freedom from condemnation in a way you have never known it? Are you ready to say goodbye to that foreboding sense of judgment and condemnation forever? Because that is one of the many blessings "The Source" wants to bring to your life.

The words that He speaks are spirit and they are life and the words that He declares to all who will listen are not words of condemnation but of forgiveness and restoration. He did not come into the world to condemn the world. He came into a world that already was experiencing a sense of condemnation in all of creation.

Instead he came to proclaim good news of grace, mercy, and peace that would culminate in total forgiveness for all who would believe and receive his offer. I call it "The Flow of Heaven."

This blessing from "The Source" is for all who will believe in what "The Source" is offering. Everyone qualifies that will believe. It is not based on what we have done, because Lord knows we have all messed up in this world.

The blessings from "The Source" are based on what He has done on our behalf. The word from the source is this, "There is therefore no condemnation to those who believe." Did you here that? No condemnation for those who believe in what "The Source" has done on their behalf.

Our part is to believe it. Believing the words of "The Source" activates the power of His forgiveness in our lives and delivers us from the power of condemnation. This is the path to making "Life Work" in the area of conscience. I hope you start receiving that forgiveness today.

Keep reading. More words that make "Life Work" coming soon. Be blessed.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

LIfe Works #5

As I told you in - Life Works #3 - Believing in the source and putting his words into practice is the beginning of life transformation. It is truly the key to making "Life Work" for all who will listen. So let's take this simple truth that is flowing from the source of ultimate truth and start to apply the teachings of the source to our real life situations.

The real life situation I want to focus on tonight is what I will call conviction, guilt, or condemnation. The lingering effect of all three seems to be a foreboding since of judgement. Suffice it to say, I have yet to meet anyone in this life who has not had to deal with this issue in some way, shape, or form.

I have no doubt in my mind that if you have lived in this world at least 8 to 12 years then you have had to deal with the conviction, guilt, or condemnation that bombards your conscience when you start to understand that sometimes you make wrong decisions. Sometimes you fail. Sometimes you just flat out mess up. It's not so much that you want too, its just that you do and something inside of you lets you know it.

The end result is that foreboding sense of judgement. Sometimes that sense of judgement is so intense we feel like there is no way of escape. So we develop coping mechanism's that don't really remove the sense of judgement but at least numb it enough so that we can function from day to day. Many of us learn to make excuses for those things we have done by blaming others for our behavior, others turn to excessive alcohol or drug use, others allow our lives to be consumed with extreme business to drown out the nagging condemnation.

Multitudes of people deal with this particular issue and massive amounts of these people deal with this issue incorrectly and never experience the true freedom from condemnation that "the Source" wants them to experience. Obviously because he is the source of life and the words that bring life, he knows us better than we know ourselves and he understands that there is only one way to be free from this foreboding sense of condemnation.

To bring us to this freedom "the Source" is going to use words, words that are spirit and life. So, tomorrow I will be bringing these words from "the Source" that make "Life Work" in the area of conscience. "Life Works" best when our conscience is clear. Get ready to receive.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Life Works #4

I ended my last post with the intent of getting into some specific area's where words from the source of life can make "Life Work." But before I get into these specifics let me turn your attention to your sense of adventure. I want to talk to the explorer that resides within you. I'm talking to that hidden Indiana Jones that is hiding in the depths of your gray matter. I want to challenge you to go on the adventure of a life time and beyond. The adventure of discovering the source of life and the depths of who he is, what he knows, and what adventures are hidden within discovering him.

After all, isn't that the challenge "The Source" has laid before all mankind by making the following statement. "You will find me when you seek for me with all your heart" or "Draw near to the Source and the Source will draw near to you." So, the Source has declared we can find him, that he is willing to make himself known to us, so what are we waiting for? Where is our sense of adventure? Where is the Indiana Jones within you now?

Are we afraid of such an adventure? Are we afraid that we might just find out that He is, and that He is everything He has told us He is from the beginning? So why not? Why not respond to the challenge of the Source and go on an expedition searching out the Source until we find all He has to reveal. I dare you! I double dare you! Let's go on a mission to find the Source, hear from the Source, know the Source, and encounter the Source.

I know that once you find Him you are setting yourself up to see your "Life Work" like never before. The Source can communicate to you through words that will cause your life to work in areas you never thought possible. If you take the deepest, darkest, most challenging area of your life and expose it to the truth that comes from the Source and you are on your way to having your life transformed.

If your deepest, darkest, most challenging area of life is a lack of self control, the Source has the answer, the words of truth, that can lead you to self control. After all, didn't the source say, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." That statement in and of itself tells us the root of most of our problems in life. If there is an area of life where we are not free, we are probably believing words that are lying to us. Words not coming from the Source.

The Source wants to give us words that make "Life Work" not that make life miserable. The Source has the wisdom we need for this to happen in every area. Again, if you lack self control over your tongue, meaning you say the wrong things, or don't know when to shut up, the Source has truth to communicate to you through words that will set you free. That will bring your tongue under control.

I think your starting to get the picture so I will stop for now and pick up in my next blog with some more specific's. I will end tonight by letting you know that no matter who you are "The Source" has your best interest at heart and wants to make your "Life Work" better than you ever thought possible. Talk at you soon!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Life Works #3

As I've been saying "Life Works" when we respond correctly to the right words. Words from the source of life itself. So what it boils down to in very practical terms is number one, do you know the source, and number two, are you willing to listen to the words of the source and put them into practice. Because that is the key to making "Life Work."
Hearing the words of the source and putting them into practice. It's really that simple. That being the case we need to keep in mind what the one who professed to come from the source said about his words. "The words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life." He also said, "Whoever hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like wise man who built his house on a rock. When the storms came and the winds blew and beat against that house it would not fall because it was built upon a rock" The comparison he used to make his point was this, "The man who refuses to hear the words that I speak is not wise and is like a man who has built his house on the sand, when the storms came and the winds blew this man's house did not stand."
I don't know about you but this seems pretty simple to me. Why would you want to build your life on the sand when you can build your life on the rock? Why would anyone want to ignore such a great opportunity offered them from the source of life? Why would anyone want to reject the source and the words from the source that make "Life Work?"
Remember, it all boils down to making a decision to believe in the source of the words that give life and put those words into practice. If you can wrap your mind around that somewhat, from here I would like to focus on specific subjects and situations in our lives that these words from the source of life can make our "Life Work." I hope to start this tomorrow. Be blessed and keep reading. The end result will be life transformation for you and for me.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Life Works #2

In keeping with my original thoughts on words that make "Life Work" I want to spend some time talking about the source of words that make "Life Work." Remember, my motivation ultimately is that your life works the way it was meant to work.

That being said, I have learned from my own experience that there are many peoples lives that are simply not working the way they should be. My assessment of the situation is that life cannot work without a connection to the source of life. The source of life is also the source of words and the ideas and understandings that are formulated by those words that ultimately lead us to truth or what I will call ultimate reality.

There is a book that's been in the world for several thousand years that says, "In the beginning was the word." For now, I'm not going to mention the book; you may already know which book I'm talking about. What I do want to call your attention to is the rest of the sentence.

"In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God." I can't think of any better place to find out how "Life Works" than the from the very source of life itself. "Life Works" when your connected to the word that was with God and the word that was God. This word that was from the beginning, even before the beginning is ultimate reality. This alive and living word is the source of all life, meaning, existence, and how life works best.

What I gather from all this is that the source of life, who understands how life works better than any of us who are just benefactors of the source of life, communicates to us how "life works" through words. The source of life, who was there at the beginning of time, speaks life to us and how to live life, through words.

The Sources words make "life work." Words that come from any other source don't work, or at least don't work as well as the words that flow from the source of life. Now, again let me close by proposing a question. If there is a source out there speaking to us through words that will make "life work" for us. Don't you want to know that source?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Life Works #1

This is my attempt at starting a journey in the realm of words. Not just any words, but words that make "Life Work." Obviously in our day and age we are receiving words from a multitude of different directions. We are barraged daily by words on television, words on the radio, words on the computer, words on Facebook, words on twitter, and words on someone's blog. Words are everywhere around us and are communicating a message to us constantly. But my conclusion from having been exposed to many words for many years is this. Not all words are the same. All words can be used ultimately to communicate information. But not all words make "Life Work."

It's the words that make "Life Work" that I am most interested in. If you really examine where your at in life and where your going in life in relation to words, you will find that the words you have heard, believed, and acted upon have had a huge influence on where you are at in your life right now. Your response to those words has either made your life work or not work so well and my intention is to see your life work to its full potential.

Which brings me back to my original point. Some words make "Life Work" and some words don't. So, my purpose in writing is to present to you and anyone else who will listen words that make life work the way it was meant to work. So if your life is not working, get on board and stay on board and at the end of our journey you may find that your life has been transformed before your very eyes.

For now, I cannot say how long our journey will last, all I can say is that I will do my best to present to you words that will make your "Life Work." What you do with those words will be up to you. I will tell you that after 52 years of life, the words that I will share with you have worked for me and continue to do so. We will begin looking at words that make "Life Work"soon by starting at the source of all words. More on that in our next blog.