Monday, January 9, 2012

Life Works #6

Words that make "Life Work" in the area of conscience! Are you ready to know freedom from condemnation in a way you have never known it? Are you ready to say goodbye to that foreboding sense of judgment and condemnation forever? Because that is one of the many blessings "The Source" wants to bring to your life.

The words that He speaks are spirit and they are life and the words that He declares to all who will listen are not words of condemnation but of forgiveness and restoration. He did not come into the world to condemn the world. He came into a world that already was experiencing a sense of condemnation in all of creation.

Instead he came to proclaim good news of grace, mercy, and peace that would culminate in total forgiveness for all who would believe and receive his offer. I call it "The Flow of Heaven."

This blessing from "The Source" is for all who will believe in what "The Source" is offering. Everyone qualifies that will believe. It is not based on what we have done, because Lord knows we have all messed up in this world.

The blessings from "The Source" are based on what He has done on our behalf. The word from the source is this, "There is therefore no condemnation to those who believe." Did you here that? No condemnation for those who believe in what "The Source" has done on their behalf.

Our part is to believe it. Believing the words of "The Source" activates the power of His forgiveness in our lives and delivers us from the power of condemnation. This is the path to making "Life Work" in the area of conscience. I hope you start receiving that forgiveness today.

Keep reading. More words that make "Life Work" coming soon. Be blessed.

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