Thursday, January 5, 2012

LIfe Works #5

As I told you in - Life Works #3 - Believing in the source and putting his words into practice is the beginning of life transformation. It is truly the key to making "Life Work" for all who will listen. So let's take this simple truth that is flowing from the source of ultimate truth and start to apply the teachings of the source to our real life situations.

The real life situation I want to focus on tonight is what I will call conviction, guilt, or condemnation. The lingering effect of all three seems to be a foreboding since of judgement. Suffice it to say, I have yet to meet anyone in this life who has not had to deal with this issue in some way, shape, or form.

I have no doubt in my mind that if you have lived in this world at least 8 to 12 years then you have had to deal with the conviction, guilt, or condemnation that bombards your conscience when you start to understand that sometimes you make wrong decisions. Sometimes you fail. Sometimes you just flat out mess up. It's not so much that you want too, its just that you do and something inside of you lets you know it.

The end result is that foreboding sense of judgement. Sometimes that sense of judgement is so intense we feel like there is no way of escape. So we develop coping mechanism's that don't really remove the sense of judgement but at least numb it enough so that we can function from day to day. Many of us learn to make excuses for those things we have done by blaming others for our behavior, others turn to excessive alcohol or drug use, others allow our lives to be consumed with extreme business to drown out the nagging condemnation.

Multitudes of people deal with this particular issue and massive amounts of these people deal with this issue incorrectly and never experience the true freedom from condemnation that "the Source" wants them to experience. Obviously because he is the source of life and the words that bring life, he knows us better than we know ourselves and he understands that there is only one way to be free from this foreboding sense of condemnation.

To bring us to this freedom "the Source" is going to use words, words that are spirit and life. So, tomorrow I will be bringing these words from "the Source" that make "Life Work" in the area of conscience. "Life Works" best when our conscience is clear. Get ready to receive.

1 comment:

Sarah Ashton said...

I believe God wanted me to read that. I have reached a point where I now fully recognize how I have taken excessive drug usage and let the enemy consistently make me feel like I needed it to fully be open spiritually when in fact it is exactly the opposite. I am more sensitive to the spirit without drugs and I feel that now that God has delivered me from overusing cough medication I can accept his realness and true amazement and magnificence and deliverance and experience a life free from condemnation and now I can only feel convicted when I do wrong because God wants what is best for his children and he does not want us to sin simply because of the consequences that come as a result. The fun part of being a Christian is learning and discovering the multitude and infinite amount of God's grace and mercy and truth. Good word.