"A soft answer turns away wrath!" Wow! There you have a very practical concept from "the Source" that is a great starting point for any relationship going through struggles. It has to do with your response to the verbal attack of another. It's the same principle as "Turn the other cheek."
The person who doesn't enter into the verbal or physical attack is actually resisting the spirit behind the attack. I understand that this is easier said than done, I also understand that our physical body and mind is weak when placed in these types of circumstances. Which is why our relationship to "the Source" is so critical.
Some other words from "the Source" instruct us to come boldly before the throne of grace to find mercy and grace to help us in our time of need. In these words, "the Source" is trying to teach us that help is available and on the way if we will just recognize our need and make the call.
He is no respecter of persons. He loves all of us the same and extends His amazing grace to all who recognize their poverty of spirit. This grace covers every area of life, relationships included. Our part is quite simple. Just believe. Like R. Kelly used to sing, "I believe I can fly." or Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey sang, "There can be miracles, when you believe."
These are certainly true phrases. "the Source" responds to faith in all individuals, He has designed us for encounters with His grace and power which we access by faith. So imagine, all this grace and power is available for you to tap into so you can learn to extend "a soft answer that turns away wrath" and begin the healing process in your relationships. Believe and then ask! You will not be disappointed. Someone loves you beyond your ability to comprehend. Keep reading!
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