Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Life Works #4

I ended my last post with the intent of getting into some specific area's where words from the source of life can make "Life Work." But before I get into these specifics let me turn your attention to your sense of adventure. I want to talk to the explorer that resides within you. I'm talking to that hidden Indiana Jones that is hiding in the depths of your gray matter. I want to challenge you to go on the adventure of a life time and beyond. The adventure of discovering the source of life and the depths of who he is, what he knows, and what adventures are hidden within discovering him.

After all, isn't that the challenge "The Source" has laid before all mankind by making the following statement. "You will find me when you seek for me with all your heart" or "Draw near to the Source and the Source will draw near to you." So, the Source has declared we can find him, that he is willing to make himself known to us, so what are we waiting for? Where is our sense of adventure? Where is the Indiana Jones within you now?

Are we afraid of such an adventure? Are we afraid that we might just find out that He is, and that He is everything He has told us He is from the beginning? So why not? Why not respond to the challenge of the Source and go on an expedition searching out the Source until we find all He has to reveal. I dare you! I double dare you! Let's go on a mission to find the Source, hear from the Source, know the Source, and encounter the Source.

I know that once you find Him you are setting yourself up to see your "Life Work" like never before. The Source can communicate to you through words that will cause your life to work in areas you never thought possible. If you take the deepest, darkest, most challenging area of your life and expose it to the truth that comes from the Source and you are on your way to having your life transformed.

If your deepest, darkest, most challenging area of life is a lack of self control, the Source has the answer, the words of truth, that can lead you to self control. After all, didn't the source say, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." That statement in and of itself tells us the root of most of our problems in life. If there is an area of life where we are not free, we are probably believing words that are lying to us. Words not coming from the Source.

The Source wants to give us words that make "Life Work" not that make life miserable. The Source has the wisdom we need for this to happen in every area. Again, if you lack self control over your tongue, meaning you say the wrong things, or don't know when to shut up, the Source has truth to communicate to you through words that will set you free. That will bring your tongue under control.

I think your starting to get the picture so I will stop for now and pick up in my next blog with some more specific's. I will end tonight by letting you know that no matter who you are "The Source" has your best interest at heart and wants to make your "Life Work" better than you ever thought possible. Talk at you soon!

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