Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Life Works #12 The Way Out!

Okay friends, I don't know that it gets any clearer than this. This is fresh manna, hot off the press, a message of spiritual wisdom I believe "The Source" has just poured into my heart. Many of you are struggling, battling, wondering how you will ever get out of your current condition or circumstance.

Remember what I told you in earlier blogs. The words that He speaks to us are Spirit and they are Life and I believe the word that He is speaking to us right now is 'Listen to Your Righteousness!'

You heard me right. Those of us who know "The Source" through faith in His Son know that righteousness has been credited to our account not because of what we do or have done, but because we believe in Him and His promises. Because we believe, His righteousness dwells within us.

That is good news. What is even greater news is His righteousness dwells in us for a reason. It dwells in us to bless us, to lead us, to guide us, to direct us into the good things He has for our lives. We need to clear the clutter in our lives, all the other voices, all the other downloads, all the false and deceptive information and "Listen to Our Righteousness."

It will lead us out of whatever situation we are in that is hindering God's goodness in our lives. Trust your righteousness, trust the voice speaking from deep within your heart, listen listening and you will be standing in victory before you know it.

Would you please take the time to listen? Let me know that you have done so! Help me help you be accountable for shutting out all the wrong voices to listen to the right one. It would be my honor and privilege to do so. Hope to hear from you soon. You are on your way out now, don't look back.

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