Saturday, February 4, 2012

Life Works #11

Here are some more words that are keys to how Life Works. "Have faith in God!" These words were uttered by Jesus Christ with complete trust and utter conviction to any and all who would listen. They are words that flow from the Son of "The Source." 

So do you have it? Have you put it to work? Have you placed faith personally in the God and Father of Jesus Christ? If not, this could be the missing link in your life. Why? Because Jesus understood that faith activates the power of His Father in our lives. 

There is another quote from the writings associated with "The Source" that says, "Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who would come to God must believe that He exists and that He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." 

Based on this information I would say faith is something that is most essential if we desire to have a relationship to "The Source." Seeings how we can't please Him without it, and that He rewards those who put it into action, we better take the "Have faith in God" thing serious. After all, there are rewards at stake. 

God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. There it is again. The principle that God works in the lives of those who believe. God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Obviously you won't seek God if you don't believe in Him, but if you do believe, and you do seek Him because of that belief, you can be assured that He will reward you. 

What those rewards are has yet to be determined, but based on my own experience they cross into every area of our existence that makes "Life Work." In other words, through faith in God, His rewards flood into every area of our lives. 

God rewards us spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, there is really no limit to where His rewards will flow if we will learn to place our faith in Him. But the choice is yours. Don't believe, don't encounter these amazing rewards. Do believe, and you open up your life to the realm of what we would call on this earth, Miracles. 

Anyone in need of a miracle? They begin with faith in "The Source." Have faith in God!

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