Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Life Works #3

As I've been saying "Life Works" when we respond correctly to the right words. Words from the source of life itself. So what it boils down to in very practical terms is number one, do you know the source, and number two, are you willing to listen to the words of the source and put them into practice. Because that is the key to making "Life Work."
Hearing the words of the source and putting them into practice. It's really that simple. That being the case we need to keep in mind what the one who professed to come from the source said about his words. "The words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life." He also said, "Whoever hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like wise man who built his house on a rock. When the storms came and the winds blew and beat against that house it would not fall because it was built upon a rock" The comparison he used to make his point was this, "The man who refuses to hear the words that I speak is not wise and is like a man who has built his house on the sand, when the storms came and the winds blew this man's house did not stand."
I don't know about you but this seems pretty simple to me. Why would you want to build your life on the sand when you can build your life on the rock? Why would anyone want to ignore such a great opportunity offered them from the source of life? Why would anyone want to reject the source and the words from the source that make "Life Work?"
Remember, it all boils down to making a decision to believe in the source of the words that give life and put those words into practice. If you can wrap your mind around that somewhat, from here I would like to focus on specific subjects and situations in our lives that these words from the source of life can make our "Life Work." I hope to start this tomorrow. Be blessed and keep reading. The end result will be life transformation for you and for me.

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