Friday, January 13, 2012

Life Works #7

We have been talking about words that make "Life Work" that stream to us from "The Source" of life. My general thinking has been that "The Source"of life probably knows better about how his creation should function and thrive in life better than those whom "the Source" has created.

I have also spoken of how "the Source" communicates the ultimate truth that makes "Life Work" through words. Sometimes those words come as warnings! For instance, if we ignore or reject the words that make "Life Work" we do so to our own harm. Not because "the Source" wants to see harm come to our lives; He is much to good for that; but because "The Source" wants whats best for us and when we ignore His words He knows the results will not be as we think.

The words He speaks are ultimate truth, they are pure Spirit, and the possess Divine Life. Here are some of those words,

"They rejected my words of advice and paid no attention when I corrected them. Therefore, they must eat the bitter fruit of living their own way, choking on their own schemes. But all who listen to me will live in peace, untroubled by fear of harm."

Voices are speaking to us all the time, but one voice, "the Source" is always speaking to us for our good. He understands that left to ourselves without His influence we often choose our way, but the wrong way, because we have a propensity toward that which can hurt us.

Think about it, when you make a wrong decision and violate your conscience, "The Source" is speaking to your heart through words to lead you away from wrong decisions and bring healing to your wounded conscience. Again, he is trying to lead you away from a condemned heart and the fruit of choosing your own way.

He desires that you live in peace, untroubled by fear of harm. Do you hear him? Are you listening? Do you understand that you are loved beyond your ability to comprehend? Do you understand that you are not alone in this world and there is someone that understands and knows better than you and that someone wants to help?

Lately I have been confronted by many problems people are going through in the area of relationships. Very negative things in many ways. That's the bad news. The good news is that "the Source" has much to say in the area of relationships.

He has the answers that make "Life Work" in the area of relationships just like he has the answers in matters of conscience.

So we are going to begin a journey into relationship advice from "the Source" in my next blog. I hope you come along. In the end I believe your relationships will be stronger, more healthy, and more influential than ever before. Be back soon! Be blessed!

1 comment:

Sarah Ashton said...

good to see you preaching grace. keep it up.