Monday, January 2, 2012

Life Works #2

In keeping with my original thoughts on words that make "Life Work" I want to spend some time talking about the source of words that make "Life Work." Remember, my motivation ultimately is that your life works the way it was meant to work.

That being said, I have learned from my own experience that there are many peoples lives that are simply not working the way they should be. My assessment of the situation is that life cannot work without a connection to the source of life. The source of life is also the source of words and the ideas and understandings that are formulated by those words that ultimately lead us to truth or what I will call ultimate reality.

There is a book that's been in the world for several thousand years that says, "In the beginning was the word." For now, I'm not going to mention the book; you may already know which book I'm talking about. What I do want to call your attention to is the rest of the sentence.

"In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God." I can't think of any better place to find out how "Life Works" than the from the very source of life itself. "Life Works" when your connected to the word that was with God and the word that was God. This word that was from the beginning, even before the beginning is ultimate reality. This alive and living word is the source of all life, meaning, existence, and how life works best.

What I gather from all this is that the source of life, who understands how life works better than any of us who are just benefactors of the source of life, communicates to us how "life works" through words. The source of life, who was there at the beginning of time, speaks life to us and how to live life, through words.

The Sources words make "life work." Words that come from any other source don't work, or at least don't work as well as the words that flow from the source of life. Now, again let me close by proposing a question. If there is a source out there speaking to us through words that will make "life work" for us. Don't you want to know that source?


Aaron Gorham said...

Keep rolling with this Dan! I'm listening...


Danny J Lorentzen said...

Thanks Aaron,

I know its a little thought provoking and abstract but its what I believe is coming to me right now that will help "Life Work" for people. Be Blessed.