Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Are You Thriving in Life?

I recently heard the testimony of a young woman born to wealth! She had this to say to those who envy her position, and she said it with the deepest humility.

"Money only makes you happy if the only needs you have are material needs!"

Her statement was so true. You can be thriving financially yet empty and destitute in so many other ways. In fact that is the case for so many in this world. On the outside they look like they are thriving. Good looks, attractive spouse, healthy children, great neighborhood, in fact much of the best things money can buy. In fact there is nothing wrong with any of that!

But you can look like you have it all and still not be thriving in some area of your life. That area may be a secret addiction, a failing marriage, overwhelming debt, fierce anxiety, and unrelenting worry.

Which is why it's so nice to know Jesus said these words, "I have come that you might have life, and that more abundantly." Jesus wants every man, woman, boy and girl to thrive in every area of life. He came to make it possible.

So why if were not thriving somewhere would we reject his promise and his help? Why would we allow our unbelief and limited thinking to rob us of such amazing potential. Why would we chose not to thrive if he is offering the opportunity?

He made another promise. "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved!" The door to thriving is humbly calling on his name. "Whoever!" That's all inclusive! He is leaving no one out of this opportunity.

Whoever wants to thrive in life just needs to believe and call on his name. Wherever you are not thriving matters to him. Are you full of anger and resentment that's destroying relationships? Call on his name and thrive. Are you battling addictions that seem impossible to overcome? Call on his name and thrive. Does your marriage seem to far gone to heal? Call on his name and thrive.

Don't waste another second, minute or hour believing there is no help for you and things will always be the same. Receive the grace and help his life and death have so richly provided and call on his name to thrive.

You will not be disappointed.

PS: If these blogs are being helpful please let me know by becoming a follower! I am praying for everyone who reads these blogs to experience his presence and to thrive in every area of life.

1 comment:

Jaydog said...

Pastor Dan,you are a gift from God!
Using his wisdom through your
strengths! Keep up the Good News....
I always look forward to reading
your blog.......Thanks!