Saturday, December 4, 2010

You Be the Change!

Not to long ago a dear friend of mine set a five gallon water bottle on my desk to introduce a new concept for raising money. We have been heavily involved in some work in Kenya; building churches, digging wells, supporting orphan's, and developing a pre-school, and of course all of this takes financial resources.

Wrapped around the five gallon water bottle was some amazing artwork and pictures of our children in Kenya with a catch phrase stamped above their heads. "You Be the Change!" The idea was two fold, people make a difference and bring change into the lives of others, and your spare change can go into the bottle to start the process.

I have been thinking about that phrase ever since that meeting. "You Be the Change!" Its almost as though I have become super conscious that we are the one's that God is calling to make a difference in peoples lives. I know that is true, but this is different. It's more like it's urgent.

We have to "Be the Change!" now. So many people needing Christ, so many people needing to encounter His love, so many people ready to respond to a loving savior, one missing link.

You and me. God does nothing apart from his people. Change can come into peoples lives, God wants to bring it, but it will not happen without our cooperation, motivation, and participation.

We are called to be co-laborers with God according to the scriptures. In other words God is working in the world, but he is working through us. So let's be willing to be the change!

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