Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Quest for Self Justification

The bible says, "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." If I understand that right it means "All", every person, every man, woman, boy, and girl, President, Preacher, Prophet, or Parishioner. No one who has ever been born, except the sinless lamb of God Jesus Christ, has lived a life without sin.

We are all guilty of sin. So what is it about our nature that when someone accuses us of something, be it false or true, we go into self justification mode? Why do we feel the need to justify ourselves?

I believe this need for self justification opens the door for Satan to beat us up, rob us of our faith, hope, and love, and place us back under the jurisdiction of the law. When we are trying to self justify, we are using some standard in our consciousness to measure our righteousness. That is an attempt at righteousness and justification by works.

We are not justified and made righteous by works as believers. We are justified and made righteous by trusting in the sin crushing death of Jesus Christ. This is the promise God the Father has made to all who believe.

This is grace. Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he has saved us! The devil can defeat us easily if we try to justify ourselves. If we believe God's promise and submit ourselves to God's plan of justification through faith in Jesus Christ, we defeat the devil.

It's a matter of trusting in God's promise or your works. I choose to trust in God's promise. So get behind me Satan, for it is written, "I am the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ."

Be Blessed!

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