Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Promised Holy Spirit

I must say that living in a world that is cloaked in deception and false teaching that I'm thankful for the promise of Jesus Christ. He said that the Father would send the Holy Spirit to bring power, to be a comforter, to be counselor, to be a teacher and to be a guide. He said that the Holy Spirit would take from what is God's and make it known to us, that's called revelation. He also said the Holy Spirit would lead us into all truth.

The Holy Spirit of truth has been poured out and made available to every generation according to Acts 2:38-39.

So here is an interesting thought. If we have the bible, which is the inspired word of God and most certainly the truth. Then why do we need the Holy Spirit? If we have the word of truth why do we need the Spirit of truth? That's a good question and one I believe the Lord wants to answer.

Is it possible that you can have the truth and not properly perceive the truth or not recognize it as the truth? I'm totally convinced that what I just said is the truth, which is one of the reasons the Spirit of truth was given. It is also one of the reasons the Apostle Paul prayed for young believers to receive the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so they could no Christ better.

The Holy Spirit is the one that makes the word come alive in our hearts. He is the one that takes information and turns it into revelation. Which is precisely what happened to Peter when he declared Jesus the Christ the son of the living God.

Jesus said, "Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you Peter, but my Father in heaven. How did the Father reveal it? Through the Holy Spirit giving revelation. Peter had information of who Jesus proclaimed to be, but the Holy Spirit opened his understanding so there was no more doubt.

And just as the Holy Spirit opened Peters understanding about Jesus being the Savior, he can also open our understanding about other things that God has given us information about. Such as his provision, his love, his gifts, his power to heal, etc.

He has been doing it this way for several thousand years, I don't anticipate Him changing his mode of operation anytime soon, so the best thing we can do is get in agreement with him and let him know that what ever he has for us we want it, especially the marvelous gift of the Holy Spirit.

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