Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Albert Einstein said, " The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again even though it doesn't work." Most of us can relate to that! We have all tried doing things the same way expecting different results. Those things we have tried doing we can call our systems. Everyone has a system for how they do things. 

We have systems for making money and handling money, we have systems for how we do relationships, we have systems for how we learn, systems for how we worship, and systems for how we work. 

That being the case we have to ask ourselves two questions. 1. Do my systems work? 2. If not, why haven't I changed my systems so they do work? 

In reality, thats what following Christ is all about. Jesus came to show us that our systems are broken, they don't work, so we should follow his systems. If we do so we will be blessed on earth and in heaven. 

For every system you have working in your life that is failing,  Jesus has a replacement that will succeed. He calls those systems The Kingdom of God. Which is God's way of doing and being right. If you work God's systems in your life they will produce positive results 30, 60, 100 fold. 

So check out your systems, abandon the ones that are contrary to his, and prepare for a blessing. 

Love Ya

Pastor Dan

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