Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Prepared Place #2

Jesus said, "I do nothing except what I see my Father doing!" The Father was taking from what was his and making it known to the Son. When the Son saw it and knew it was the Father's will he could move toward it with confidence knowing it would happen just as the Father had shown him.

God is obviously preparing for us a place in eternity, the Spirit gives us his witness and glimpses of what that will be like. But God also has to reveal to us his purposes on the earth. What he has prepared for us here. 

He prepared for Israel a promised land, he showed them what that land was like, said it was theirs and then commanded them to go and possess it. I believe he is doing the same with us. God sees the Rock Church of our future, where it is, what it is, how it will become. "He calls things that are not as though they were!" It's not to be patterned after our ideals, but his.

We have to ask, seek, and knock and as we do God will unfold the plan, he will show us what his Rock Church looks like. His Spirit will reveal this prepared place that is now just a God thought.  Jesus said, "I will build MY CHURCH and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. 

Father, in Jesus name, Show us the place as you desire it to be. Amen


Josiah said...


Tifani said...

Good blogging Daddy! However, I will not do some of the things I see (or hear) you doing... :o) My mother taught me to be a lady! Haha