Monday, September 29, 2008

The Devil in Discouragement!

Hey Bloggers, 

One of the most precious people in my life is going through discouragement. It makes my heart ache because I have been there so many times before. Everything you have believed for, hoped for, worked for and dreamed for seems as though it will never come to pass. After a while your mind starts to think, what's the use, why try, does it really matter all that much or does it only matter to me? 

I've discovered in my own life that the Devil is in discouragement. It is the complete opposite of faith and trust. It is also one primary way he turns us back from our voyage to acquire God's Richest Treasures. It's in times of discouragement you have to draw from something greater than yourself because our flesh is prone to grow weary. 

When those voices are tearing you down there is a word that will lift you up. Just think for a moment about the fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control. These things are not produced in your heart by being discouraged. 

Wisdom that comes from God is first of all pure, peace loving, full of mercy and good fruit. There is no good fruit produced from discouragement, so tell that devil to get out of your mind because you are on the verge of capturing God's Greatest Treasures. 

You Are Loved.


Christianna said...

This post, was not posted towards me, but it is EXACTLY what I needed to hear right now! Thank you so much! You are amazing!

BECKY said...

I am blessed by this post, because I too have been feeling discouraged about my life. Thank you so much for your wisdom and love!