Monday, December 1, 2008

God's Financial System

Destroy poverty then release abundance. That's how I would define the effects of God's Financial System. If we are willing to learn how to operate God's Financial System poverty will be destroyed and abundance released into our lives. 

Before we go on any further let me first define poverty. John Louis Muratori in his book, Rich Church Poor Church does an awesome job of defining poverty from God's perspective. 

"Poverty is not the state of not having. Rather, 'Poverty,' is the fear of not getting, which causes you to hold on tightly to what you have. Poverty is not a 'state of being,' it is a 'state of mind."

God's answer to a 'Poverty State of Mind,' can be seen all over in His word. 

"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Prov. 11:24-25.

It is only by our response to God's word to be generous and willing to share that the spirit of poverty can be broken over our lives. The times we live in demand such a response, because the natural tendency when economies are weak, markets are unstable, and jobs are uncertain is to give way to the spirit of poverty. 

The spirit of poverty is known by the presence he manifests, FEAR. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. So break out and break free and behold Gods miraculous hand of provision in your life. 

Find out the Widows secret in 1 Kings 17:8-9 and God will be glorified in your life and circumstances and poverty will be broken forever in you life. 

Be Blessed

Pastor Danny J. Lorentzen

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Albert Einstein said, " The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again even though it doesn't work." Most of us can relate to that! We have all tried doing things the same way expecting different results. Those things we have tried doing we can call our systems. Everyone has a system for how they do things. 

We have systems for making money and handling money, we have systems for how we do relationships, we have systems for how we learn, systems for how we worship, and systems for how we work. 

That being the case we have to ask ourselves two questions. 1. Do my systems work? 2. If not, why haven't I changed my systems so they do work? 

In reality, thats what following Christ is all about. Jesus came to show us that our systems are broken, they don't work, so we should follow his systems. If we do so we will be blessed on earth and in heaven. 

For every system you have working in your life that is failing,  Jesus has a replacement that will succeed. He calls those systems The Kingdom of God. Which is God's way of doing and being right. If you work God's systems in your life they will produce positive results 30, 60, 100 fold. 

So check out your systems, abandon the ones that are contrary to his, and prepare for a blessing. 

Love Ya

Pastor Dan

Monday, October 13, 2008

Financial Peace

I am really excited to recommend and encourage anyone and everyone to sit through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University, Its practical, timely, and biblically based. Whoever hears these words and does them is building his house and family on a rock.

The bible says, "Get wisdom and get understanding." Dave has it, God has blessed him with it, and the system will work if you work the system. So to all my blogger friends, Get Ur Done! 

Be Blessed

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

For The Glory of God!

That's why you were created, to live for the glory of God. Have you considered that lately? How different would your life be if you really lived to glorify God? What would the day be like? Would you wake up with a sense of purpose? What would work be like? Would you work with a little more joy in your heart, a spring in your step, a smile on your face knowing its all for God? 

If how you treat others glorifies God or takes away from God's glory would you change a few things? If your generosity glorifies God would you be more generous? Why am I saying all this? 

Because the Apostle Paul said, "Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God!" If your looking for a reason to give life meaning I just handed you the greatest one of all. Use your life, your gifts, your abilities, your mind, your voice, your time, your talent, your treasure, use it all for God's glory and you will never go wrong.



Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pleasing God

Hey Bloggers, 

A desire to please God seems to be what many people lack in their lives today. What an empty way to live. If all I ever have to be concerned about is pleasing me then my life will be pretty shallow at best. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, Whatever you do, to it all to the glory of God. That doesn't sound like were supposed to live only for us. 

It sounds like were supposed to live only for Him. Pleasing Him, there's a concept. That requires faith, obedience, and change. Hebrews 11:6 says, "Without faith it is impossible to please God, for anyone that would come to God must believe that He exists and is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." 

So believe, diligently seek, and get ready for God's rewards, they are already on the way for the ones that please Him.

Be Blessed

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Devil in Discouragement!

Hey Bloggers, 

One of the most precious people in my life is going through discouragement. It makes my heart ache because I have been there so many times before. Everything you have believed for, hoped for, worked for and dreamed for seems as though it will never come to pass. After a while your mind starts to think, what's the use, why try, does it really matter all that much or does it only matter to me? 

I've discovered in my own life that the Devil is in discouragement. It is the complete opposite of faith and trust. It is also one primary way he turns us back from our voyage to acquire God's Richest Treasures. It's in times of discouragement you have to draw from something greater than yourself because our flesh is prone to grow weary. 

When those voices are tearing you down there is a word that will lift you up. Just think for a moment about the fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control. These things are not produced in your heart by being discouraged. 

Wisdom that comes from God is first of all pure, peace loving, full of mercy and good fruit. There is no good fruit produced from discouragement, so tell that devil to get out of your mind because you are on the verge of capturing God's Greatest Treasures. 

You Are Loved.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Hey Bloggers,

Being the rookie that I am at this blogging thing, how do I get my blog to more people? How do I promote it or advertise it? Someone give me some ideas. I think.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Love Me Tender

Hey Bloggers, God has blessed us with a beautiful day in the midwest and me and the wife are off to the annual marriage retreat. The theme this year is "Love me Tender!" Pray with me that the 18 couples attending will fall deeper in love, walk more as one, and learn to treat each other with tenderness. 

If those three things are accomplished in each couple it will be an awesome retreat. Our scriptures for the weekend will be Ephesians 4: 29-32. God is pro successful marriage so I know he will be with us as we endeavor to honor him and strengthen marriages. 

Be Blessed

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Prepared Place #2

Jesus said, "I do nothing except what I see my Father doing!" The Father was taking from what was his and making it known to the Son. When the Son saw it and knew it was the Father's will he could move toward it with confidence knowing it would happen just as the Father had shown him.

God is obviously preparing for us a place in eternity, the Spirit gives us his witness and glimpses of what that will be like. But God also has to reveal to us his purposes on the earth. What he has prepared for us here. 

He prepared for Israel a promised land, he showed them what that land was like, said it was theirs and then commanded them to go and possess it. I believe he is doing the same with us. God sees the Rock Church of our future, where it is, what it is, how it will become. "He calls things that are not as though they were!" It's not to be patterned after our ideals, but his.

We have to ask, seek, and knock and as we do God will unfold the plan, he will show us what his Rock Church looks like. His Spirit will reveal this prepared place that is now just a God thought.  Jesus said, "I will build MY CHURCH and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. 

Father, in Jesus name, Show us the place as you desire it to be. Amen

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Prepared Place

My attention has been on the words of Apostle Paul lately in 1 Corinthians 2:9-10. The phrase that really knocks my socks off is "what God has prepared for those who love him." That implies that God has been busy working, getting something ready, something he has in mind for those who love him. 

If you'll hang with me it gets even better. The next phrase is, "But God has revealed it to us by his Spirit." Revealed what? What does the Holy Spirit want to reveal to us? What God has prepared for those who love him. 

Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would take from what is his and make it known to us. He would take from what God has for us and show it to us. Why does God want to show us what he has for us? Tell me what you think and then I'll tell you what I think.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Hurricane Stealth #3

Hey bloggers, if your not sure what this Hurricane Stealth thing is all about let me explain. Our American Military has a bomber they use for secretive missions called a Stealth Bomber. It is virtually undetectable by radar and can sneak in and do its damage before the enemy knows what even hit them.

God has given us as believers our own stealth capability. The Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit prays through us he only prays according to Gods will, the devil can't understand these prayers because they are uttered in words that only God himself can understand. 

Pray that God would give you the language of the Holy Spirit and don't be fearful of spiritual gifts. The benefits are eternal and unmeasurable. 1 Cor 12:1 says God does not want us ignorant of spiritual gifts. So get busy getting knowledge about these wonderful gifts of grace. 

Remember, the Holy Spirit always and only prays according to Gods will, when we pray Gods will God hears us, when we know God has heard us, we know we have what we asked for. 1 John 5:14-15. So get to praying.


Pastor Dan

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Areopagus Concert

Hey Bloggers, Areopagus is making history with a concert tonight featuring Thao Nguyen and The Get Down Stay Down with The Lonelyhearts. This is what the coffee shop is all about. Connecting with the community. If you have nothing going on its happening until 10:00pm

Another Hurrican Stealth adventure is in the making so keep your spiritual light on and pray in the Holy Spirit


Pastor Dan

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hey Bloggers,

Were winding down the Antioch School training here in Ames Iowa. It has been very enlightening and refreshing. Should be on the road by 8pm. Please pray with me about the future launching of Antioch School. 
Hurricane Stealth is still stirring and this school will be part of the storm. Start studying Acts 1:8 and 2:1-4. It has a lot to do with where we are heading in the spiritual arena. 


Pastor Dan

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Antioch School

I am 18 hours into the training for Rock Church's new bible school. Very intense but exciting. I have no doubt that God is getting us ready to prepare a generation of redefined believers for his work in the world.

If your faith is on fire, you have a heart to serve God, and your ready to prepare for a life of service to Jesus Christ, get ready. God wants to unleash a model for ministry that will plunder hell to populate heaven. I pray it begins with whoever has the courage to read this blog.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane Stealth #2

Hey bloggers, for those of you who are on a spiritual quest to know God better I would begin by searching the scriptures regarding the Holy Spirit. We know he has been poured out and given to the church, but are we tapped into the potential His presence brings into our lives? Do we want to be?

Did you know the Holy Spirit knows the deep things of God? Did you know that God reveals things to us through the Holy Spirit? Did you know that the Holy Spirit always prays according to the will of God? Did you know that every prayer prayed according to God's will has to be answered?

Answer this next question and you will be well on your way to a life filled with answered prayer. How do you pray in the Holy Spirit? Answer this question and you will be well on your way to being connected to Hurricane Stealth. 


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricane Stealth

We've been hearing a lot about hurricanes lately in the natural. I believe God is unleashing one of his own in the spiritual realm. What's causing this hurricane to brew is spiritual conflict. When the enemy comes in like a flood, God has promised to raise up a standard against him.

You may not see this hurricane because its coming in stealth. Many of you have been in such battles you have not known what to pray for or how to pray. Stay tuned to this blog because God is about to show you.

