Wednesday, June 5, 2013



That's a question I have been asking myself lately. When I'm discouraged, what discourages me? What are the triggers? I'm starting to realize very clearly what my triggers are,  and it seems they all have to do with people and their response to the message I preach and the church I pastor.

I'm finding that it grieve's me to the core when people neglect making time for fellowship with other believers. I'm discovering that it hurts deeply when people that you know and love can turn there back on you and walk away as if you never existed and not even offer a reason why.

I'm seeing the spirit of the age that is attacking the church like never before manifesting in an attitude of unfaithfulness. The weight of these very real observations triggers discouragement in my heart. Why? Why do these things discourage me?

For me the answer is Jesus Christ. That sounds simple but this is what I mean. I'm looking for Christ to manifest in his people. I'm looking for the traits of Jesus that should be prevailing in the lives of those who believe. His people should lift discouragement not create it.

I may be alone in my observation, but I'm willing to take that risk.

I don't expect Christ to break fellowship with me or anyone in his church. I don't expect Christ to turn his back on me and walk away from me as if I our relationship never existed, and certainly not without an explanation. And, I don't expect Christ to be unfaithful.

I guess my discouragement comes from expecting Christians to act like Christ. There is a drought of Christlike Christians in our land. There are religious Christians, Petty Christians, Offended Christians, but where are the Christlike Christians.

Where are the faithful Christians who will stay with one another come hell or high water? Where are the Christians who will love one another the way Christ loves us?  1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Describes that love. Where are these people who the world will know by there love for one another?

I know some, they are refreshing, encouraging, generous, faithful, and love to a fault even when people are hard to love. But they are to few. Thank God for the one's I know. But God give me more of those who don't bring discouragement but lift discouragement everywhere they go.

I'm expecting discouragement breakers to surround me, come into my life, and impact the city where I pastor for all of eternity. I am, and I will, do my best to raise up this type of Christ follower. One's who know and follow Christ who said this about himself.

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed. To proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."

His very anointing has discouragement breaker all over it. I know he will break my discouragement.

And when he does! I want to continue to break discouragement in others. Because this is what Christ followers do.

Be Blessed